Manage your catalog with a PIM

What is a PIM ?

A Product Information Management PIM solution is a business application that provides a single place to collect, manage and enrich your product information, create a product catalog and distribute it to your sales and e-commerce channels.

A PIM solution makes it faster and easier to create and deliver an engaging product experience in combination with your webshop.

Benefits of Centralized Structured Information

Why do you need a PIM?

At Studio Mikado we use Akeneo as PIM. 

Akeneo is the solution to a large amount of complex product information structured in a user-friendly interface. This environment is therefore suitable for multichannel in multiple languages, importing or exporting product data, Akeneo PIM can do it all. This makes managing your product catalog a child's play.

Akeneo can easily be linked to an e-commerce package so that you can use the easy interface from Akeneo can use to keep your product content up to date. 

Thanks to our link you can almost real time consult the changes of the Akeneo PIM on your e-commerce environment. 

A central source of information for your product data

The main advantage of a PIM system is consistency of your product data.

It Akeneo PIM system makes it possible to work with something we Master Data to call. Master Data is the leading data for all channels and systems that work with it. With this you enrich the product data for all your systems from one data source – the PIM system in this case.

Product data used to be stored in different places, but with a PIM system this is a thing of the past. All product information is centrally managed and enriched. This way you have the correct product data available at any time and anywhere. Think of product descriptions, photos, prices, discounts but also suggestions for related products.



For different sales channels

Do not only use the product data for your e-commerce solution, but also use it for your catalog, marketing or your stores.

All sales channels will benefit from this because the product data always comes from the Akeneo PIM system.

ERP link

In an ERP system there is no possibility to provide extensive product data. This includes the complex business processes through which your product data is spread across this system.

Thanks to the convenient integrations with the Akeneo PIM System, we can feed this ERP product data to the PIM system, making keeping the product data up-to-date child's play. 

Support for your product management

Our PIM Akeneo services

Setup & Configuration

We launch and configure your Akeneo PIM. Afterwards we set up the Akeneo PIM according to your needs. This allows you to start enriching your product content in no time.

Catalog migration

Is your catalog in another system? We migrate your catalog to the PIM and we set up the Akeneo PIM according to your needs. This allows you to start enriching your product content in no time


We show you how best to manage and organize your catalog so that the link with your website can run smoothly.


Do you have a Webshop but you do not yet have a link with your Akeneo PIM. Our team will investigate this and your product information will be on your webshop in no time.

The Akeneo PIM works with both our offered magento like ours WordPress Woocommerce solutions.

Take the next step together with Michel

Our specialist is ready to answer all your questions

Discover how a product information management system from Akeneo makes managing your products easier.

Michel - Ecommerce Analyst